Bogotános love, and I mean love, their hot chocolate. They drink it at breakfast, after lunch, they have it for afternoon tea and after dinner. Seriously, they love it. And I do too.
Hot chocolate isn’t just a drink here though, oh no. It’s far more indulgent than that. Hot chocolate here is an experience, my friends. They don’t just drink a hot chocolate on its own either, that’s just boring and not nearly decadent enough. Hot chocolate is a meal, you eat it with cheese and bread, you dunk, you savour, you indulge and you savour the sweet, sweet experience that is the hot chocolate.
So chocolate lovers, here I have for you the the Hot Chocolate en Sopa.
{ Hot Chocolate en Sopa }
Serves 2
- 2 cups of milk
- 2 packets of chocolate (2 pastillas)
- 1/2 a cup of water
- 4 toastadas (crispy toasted bread)
- Grab a pot or olleta and add the milk, chocolate and water and bring to the boil on a high heat.
- Stir occasionally until the milk stars to froth.
- Remove the pot when it starts to froth, then bring it to the boil again. Allow it to froth three times. This makes for some seriously good hot chocolate, apparently.
- Once ready, stir with a molinillo to froth it even more then pour into two cups. Be sure to leave enough space in the cup for your bread.
- Break up your pieces of bread and dunk into the hot chocolate. Wait until the bread soaks up the chocolate and you are ready to go. Slurp away!