Where to find inspiration


Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unlikely of places, doesn’t it? It can come from a story we’ve read, a poem, a surprisingly funny joke, a friend, a long walk, an early night in bed with a cup of tea and a book or after a late night restlessly trying to find solace in sleep.

Last night I was on the hunt for inspiration when I went along to the Inspire Creativity talk featuring Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert, held at the Brisbane Powerhouse and presented by the Brisbane Writers Festival.

While Gilbert’s talk, about the magic of inspiration and the creative process, was the real reason I decided to venture out of the house last night, the desire to rekindle my creativity actually occurred before the event even began, as my friend and I waited for the theatre doors to open.

Waiting in line, we laughed about online dating and ordering English Breakfast tea from the bar, we even seemed to make the usher laugh as we congratulated ourselves for getting tickets to Brene Brown.

And then, all of a sudden, before we even made it into that theatre room, we both felt inspired. Inspired to write something, to see inspiration in simple moments and simple pleasures.

“I already have ideas for a blog,” my friend laughed.

We later took our seats and listened as Gilbert went on to describe her own experiences with inspiration and how to see the signs: the goosebumps, the hairs standing on end, that funny feeling that something must be done, be written down and poured out of us. That’s how I felt, following a simple but fun chat with a friend in the Powerhouse foyer.

It’s funny where inspiration comes from.

Hearing Gilbert’s talk allowed me to see inspiration clearly; when you feel inspired to write or create, get it out, write it down, because, as Gilbert said, that inspired feeling can quickly move on to someone else if it’s not being used.

What inspires your creativity? Let me know.