In preparation for our Yoga for Writers Retreat in March, Kirsty Innes and I have created a fun Instagram photo-a-day exercise for both participants and those who are just wanting to get a little more creative with their writing. This creativity project has no real rules – the idea is simply to write a sentence (and take a photograph) every day from 17th February to 6th March. It’s that simple. Pause, reflect on the the prompt and write what comes up for you. You might use the prompt word in your sentence, you might not. Write what you feel. Live inside each word. Pay attention to what bubbles to the surface and enjoy the process.
This feels like a wonderfully creative way to prepare for our Yoga for Writers Retreat with mindfulness and a bit of community building, too! Here’s the list of daily photo prompts so if you get stuck for something to write, just refer to the list and get writing! Be sure to share the #ReigniteCreativity15 or #RC15 hashtags so we can find you and come along for the ride, and be sure to follow both myself and Kirsty on Instagram to see how we are getting along, too.
There are also a few ways we can gather as a community:
1. Share your photos on Instagram using the hashtags #ReigniteCreativity15 and #RG15
2. Add your photos to your Facebook Page
3. If you’re booked into Intuitive Reconnection: A Yoga retreat for writers {and creative types}, add your photos to our Retreat Facebook Group
PS. You can join us at any time.
PPS. “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on!” – Albert Einstein