Colombian fruit comes in many different shapes and sizes. Some are spiky and sweet, others smell strange but said to be powerful aphrodisiacs. I was lucky enough to head on a tour of Medellin’s street food scene with La Mesa Food Tours recently and as well as sampling some delicious savoury dishes, we spent a good amount of time wandering around the markets in Envigado, eating our weight in Colombian fruit.
Colombia has such a large variety of fruits because of the tropical climate, regular rainfall and abundant land. So, as well as the regular varieties of fruit that are largely available in the U.K. and the United States, there are a whole bunch of other interesting fruits that can be found in Colombia.
One great way to get to know Colombia a little better is to explore the local fruit and vegetable markets and start sampling anything you don’t recognise. Some taste like bubblegum, others are diuretics (probably best not to sample too many of these ones!), while some are so delicious you’ll wish you could take a stash home with you. Coming from a fairly tropical region in Australia, I’m used to seeing and buying a whole variety of different fruits, but Colombia just takes tropical fruit to a whole new level.
If you fancy yourself a bit of an expert on Colombian fruit, or want to learn more about the different varieties available in the country, then be sure to take my quiz below. Can you tell the difference between borojo and feijoa? And between a guava and a guanabana? Well, put your Colombian fruit knowledge to the test and let me know how you go.
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How did you go with the Colombian fruit quiz? Could you name each and every one? Share your results in the comments section below.
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