
hikes in colombia

Adventure, Colombia Travel, feature, Freckled Chronicles, hikes in colombia, Stories, Travel Colombia

5 Reasons why Colombia really does have it all

On telling people back home in Scotland that I was planning to spend two and half months in Colombia, the majority responded with something along the lines of: “What – Colombia?! Why? It’s dangerous. There are drugs, kidnappings, violence….” They couldn’t quite grasp why this…

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Tatacoa Desert in Colombia
Adventure, Colombia, Colombia Travel, feature, hikes in colombia, Roberta Padroni, sticky, Stories, Tatacoa Desert, Travel Colombia

Everything you need to know about travelling to the Tatacoa Desert, Colombia

Image: Alexander Schimmeck/Flickr The first time I saw a picture of the Tatacoa Desert on the web I thought I was admiring a place located somewhere in Nevada or California. When I found out it was actually in Colombia I was impressed. Firstly because I…

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