Write for us


Walking around the Plaza Bolivar in Bogota

Are you a writer, photographer, dreamer or escape artist? Do you spend your weekends, months and annual getaways trying to capture and create? Sarepa.com is looking to expand our community of readers and writers who love to travel. If you’re living in or have travelled through Colombia or Latin America, be sure to get in touch about becoming a contributor. We’re always searching for inspiring people with stories to tell!

Why become a contributor?

We want to create a dialogue, to share stories and moments in time. If you want to become a contributor, it’s because you have a passion and a mission; you have something to say and want to share it; you want to connect with people, in your city and around the world.

Do I have to be a writer to become a contributor?

If you want to write, you’re already half-way there. We want to hear what you’ve got to say, and if you’re passionate about it, you can write about it. Along with your piece, a byline will be included as well as a links to your website or blog and your piece will be shared throughout social media and mailing lists.

What to include with your contribution:

  • Your article, 400+ words
  • Photos you would like to feature, at least 800px wide
  • Your Gravatar profile email – your byline will be linked to your Gravatar
  • Links to any of your websites or social media networks you’d like to share

Wait, I’m a photographer!

If you’re a photographer and want to share your imagery then be sure to email us the following;

  • 5-15 images, at least 800px wide
  • A 150 word introduction to your photographs
  • Links to any of your websites or social media networks
  • Your Gravatar profile email – your byline will be linked to your Gravatar

If you’d like more information, or want to send through your ideas, be sure to send an email through to info@sarepa.com. Thank you and happy travelling!


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